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Guide to Hydrating a Christmas Tree

Assemble Instruments and Supplies

I always make sure I have these essential tools in my gardening arsenal:

  • Trowel: A must-have tool for any gardener, it’s reliable and crucial for various gardening tasks.
  • Hand Fork: This handy tool helps break up clumps of soil and work amendments into the ground, especially in closely planted areas.
  • Hoe: My long-handled hoe is my best friend when it comes to keeping weeds at bay.
  • Hand pruners: Investing in a good pair of pruners has made trimming back larger plants so much easier for me.
  • Watering Can: I prefer a watering can that releases a gentle and even stream of water, so it doesn’t disrupt the soil or harm delicate seedlings.
  • Fork: An essential tool for dividing perennials and carrying out various dividing methods.
  • Shovel: The sharper the shovel, the better it is for digging.
  • Wheelbarrow: Indispensable for hauling soil, compost, plants, mulch, hoses, and all the other gardening essentials.
  • Gloves: Leather gloves are the best for protecting hands, especially when dealing with thorny plants like roses.
  • Hose: The fastest way to transport a large amount of water from the source to my garden.

And don’t forget these supplies:

  • Soil or seed-starter mix
  • Slow-release fertilizer
  • Compost (for outdoor gardens)
  • Worms (for outdoor gardens)
  • Planter Containers (Get creative! You can use milk cartons, pop bottles for indoor containers, and recycled materials like old sinks, toilets, or reclaimed wood pallets for outdoor containers.)
  • Landscaping cloth (coffee filters can work for indoor gardens)
  • Seeds or seedlings
  • Small tags or signs to identify plants.
  • Procedure

Pouring Water into the Tree Holder

Guide to Hydrating a Christmas Tree


Hydrating a Christmas tree is an essential task to keep it fresh and vibrant throughout the festive season. A rule of thumb is that a six-foot tree requires at least one gallon of water each day, with adjustments made depending on the size of your tree.

Read more: Christmas tree sale cyber Monday

Position the tree in a pail of tepid water until you’re set to install it

Positioning the tree in a pail of tepid water until you’re ready to install it will ensure it remains hydrated. Remember to check the water level daily and keep the tree in a cool, shaded area like a garage to prevent it from drying out.

Trim 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) from the base of the tree to remove sap.

To ensure proper water absorption, trim the cut end of your tree if it has been without water for 6 to 8 hours. Cut the tree straight across, removing at least 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) to eliminate the sap that covers the cut. This step is also necessary for pre-cut trees. If you live within 3 hours of the tree dealer, you can ask them to trim the tree when you purchase it.

Gauge your tree holder to accommodate a suitable tree

Guide to Hydrating a Christmas Tree


Gauge your tree holder to accommodate a suitable tree. Some stands come with metal parts that may not securely fit wider trunks, resulting in potential issues. If the tree does not fit the stand, it may not reach the necessary water level. Shaving the trunk with a saw is not recommended as it can hinder water absorption.

Pick a deep holder that contains sufficient water for the tree’s dimensions

Make sure you choose a deep stand that can hold enough water for the size of your Christmas tree. As a rule of thumb, the tree needs 4 cups (950 mL) of water for every 1 inch (2.5 cm) of its diameter. On average, you should provide approximately 16 cups (3,800 mL) of water per day.

Double-check the stand to ensure it is deep enough to accommodate the necessary amount of water. Keep in mind that wider trees will require more water.

Load the holder with ample water

Guide to Hydrating a Christmas Tree


Load the holder with ample water by lifting the tree’s branches and adding water directly to the stand using a watering can, bucket, cup, or any similar container. Ensure that the water level is well above the bottom edge of the trunk.

It doesn’t matter what temperature the water is – cold, warm, or hot are all suitable for Christmas trees.

To make it easier, you can try using a funnel. For instance, you can glue a few PVC pipes together and place a funnel on top.

Alternatively, you can opt for a watering system that provides extra water capacity to the stand. Remember to fill the stand with plenty of water.

Read more: Guide on Christmas Tree Maintenance

Refrain from mixing additives to the tree’s water

Refrain from mixing additives, such as flame-resistant chemicals or water-holding gels, with the water for your Christmas tree. Tap water alone is sufficient, as these substances may hinder water absorption.

It is also unnecessary to use home remedies like sugar or commercial preservatives, as they are unproven and only add to your expenses. By providing proper care, a quality Christmas tree can last for a month or longer.

Observing Water Consumption

Inspect the water quantity daily and replenish the holder as required.

Inspect the water quantity daily and replenish the holder as required to prevent the tree from drying out. Ensure the water level remains above the cut portion of the trunk.

Feel the needles to check if they seem parched and brittle

Guide to Hydrating a Christmas Tree


– Feel the needles to check if they seem parched and brittle. If they easily fall off the branches without resistance and break easily, it means your tree isn’t absorbing enough water.
– Keep an eye on the water level in the stand and consider trimming the bottom of the tree if sap is an issue.
– If the tree remains dry and doesn’t improve, remove it from the house immediately to eliminate the risk of fire.

Employ a humidifier to supply extra humidity to your tree

Employ a humidifier to supply extra humidity to your tree. Set it up in the same room as the tree and let it run. The humidifier will release moisture onto the tree’s needles, preventing them from drying out. However, it’s important to note that a humidifier cannot replace regular watering.

Relocate the tree from heat sources to avert water depletion

Guide to Hydrating a Christmas Tree


Relocate the tree away from heat sources to prevent water loss. Keep the tree out of direct sunlight and away from heaters and fans as much as possible. Dry trees not only dry out faster but also pose a fire risk.

Switch off the lights in the vicinity to maintain the tree cool and dry

Switch off the lights in the vicinity to keep the Christmas tree cool and prevent it from drying out. The decorations directly on the branches are a bigger concern compared to other light sources in the room. Strands of lights can generate a lot of heat, causing the tree to lose water and dry out faster.

To preserve water, limit the usage of lights and opt for newer LED decorations that consume less electricity and emit less heat.

Advice for Watering Christmas Trees

Different tree species have varying lifespans, with firs and white pines being particularly long-lasting options commonly chosen as Christmas trees.

Regardless of the type you choose, it’s important to water your tree in the correct manner. Drilling holes or narrowing the width of the tree trunk won’t improve its water absorption. Instead, make sure to adjust the tree stand as needed and position the tree so that the cut end is submerged in water.


Dry trees pose a serious fire hazard. It is crucial to regularly monitor your tree’s water level to mitigate any potential risks. If you notice your tree becoming dry, it is advisable to promptly remove it from your premises.

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