Methods to Discard, Recycle or Repurpose Real and Artificial Christmas Trees
Once the festive season wraps up, it’s time to put away the holiday trimmings. While some decorations can be stored for the following year, your Christmas tree isn’t one of them. Be it a real tree shedding pine needles all over your home, or an artificial one that’s seen better days, it’s time to part ways.
However, ditching your tree isn’t as straightforward as tossing it in the regular trash. Depending on where you live, Christmas tree collection services may differ. To aid you in navigating through disposal and recycling options, we’ve compiled a thorough guide with insights from Doug Hundley of the National Christmas Tree Association. This resource will streamline the process of correctly discarding your tree.

Why Should You Recycle Christmas Trees?
Choosing to recycle Christmas trees can be both a sensible and environmentally conscious decision, especially in many urban areas. Once the festive season is over, these trees can be picked up from your curbside for further use. In several cities, these trees are converted into mulch, and then generously distributed to residents for their gardening needs, free of charge. By actively engaging in recycling efforts, we can keep Christmas trees out of landfills, where they would otherwise decompose or be burned, leading to harmful methane emissions.
What’s the Correct Way to Dispose of a Christmas Tree?
Getting rid of a Christmas tree varies based on whether it’s a real one or artificial. If you have a live tree, it can be composted, mulched, or treated as any other yard waste since it’s biodegradable. On the other hand, artificial trees are usually made from non-recyclable plastics, making them difficult to simply toss in landfills or with regular waste.
Read more: Christmas tree cyber Monday deals 2023

Creating a Wreath from Your Christmas Tree
If you’re interested in crafting or creating a wreath from your artificial Christmas tree, here’s a simple guide:
Snip off pieces of the faux greenery and secure them to an embroidery hoop using hot glue.
Keep going until both sides of the hoop are covered, and use smaller snippets to fill in any empty spaces.
Finally, fashion a loop for hanging the wreath using a strip of ribbon or seam binding.
Fashioning a Garland from Your Christmas Tree
If you’re looking to create a garland from your artificial Christmas tree, follow these steps:
Grab a piece of twine and tie a bow around a branch.
With the help of hot glue, affix a nut to the bow.
Advance about 4 to 7 inches along the twine and add another bow and nut.
Continue this pattern throughout the length of the branch, switching between walnuts, almonds, and acorns for a variety.
Four Ways to Dispose of a Real Christmas Tree
Curbside Collection of Your Christmas Tree
Many cities offer curbside collection as part of their routine waste services. You can easily verify if this service is available in your area by making a phone call or doing a quick online search. If your city does offer this, all you need to do is haul your tree to the curb for pickup. Just remember, depending on where you live and who your service provider is, there could be extra charges for this pickup.

Is it Possible to Dispose of My Live Christmas Tree in a Dumpster?
While it might seem like a good idea, you may not be allowed to toss your live Christmas tree in a dumpster. As a homeowner, it’s best to get in touch with your local collections service to understand the specific rules around Christmas tree disposal. Try contacting your city or township’s public services department for more details.
For those living in apartment buildings with shared front load dumpsters, it’s wise to consult with your landlord or front office before discarding your tree. Bear in mind that due to their substantial size, Christmas trees are usually not accepted in these dumpsters.

Recycle or Reuse Your Live Christmas Tree
The Benefits of Treecycling
Remember to strip it of all decorations first. Then, lay it on a tarp at the curb and look for a nearby recycling program to assist in its disposal. Be aware that some Christmas trees could have been treated with pesticides, paints, or other chemicals. Such treatments may impose limitations on their donation or recycling. To get a better understanding of what substances your tree might contain, consider contacting the tree farm or vendor where you bought it.
Replanting Your Christmas Tree: An Option to Consider
If your Christmas tree came with its roots still attached, replanting it could be a viable option. While replanting a tree might seem daunting, it’s entirely doable with the right preparation. Avoid keeping the tree indoors for more than a couple of weeks. Since Christmas trees are cut during their dormant phase, prolonged exposure to warm indoor temperatures can hinder their ability to acclimate to the chilly outdoors. So, if you’re thinking about replanting your Christmas tree, these factors are crucial to keep in mind.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to replanting your live Christmas tree:
Let the tree acclimatize in a cool and dry spot for 1-3 days.
Take off any burlap wrappings around the roots.
Dig a hole that’s at least double the width of the tree’s roots.
Put the tree in the hole, cover it with soil, and lightly pack it down.
Don’t forget to water the base of the tree.
Donating Your Christmas Tree: A Noble Idea
Once the holiday season wraps up and your live Christmas tree has served its purpose, think about donating it. There are numerous wildlife preserves and wetland restoration projects that welcome real trees for a variety of uses.
To find out about groups in your local area that could put your donated tree to good use while also contributing to environmental improvement, it might be worth reaching out to your local government.
Composting Your Used Tree
Transforming your used Christmas tree into compost is a smart and eco-friendly option. The evergreen branches can act as a foundation layer in your compost pile, facilitating airflow at the bottom to aid decomposition. Just cut the branches to fit your pile or bin, piling them up to a few inches high. After setting up the branches, you can go ahead and add your usual kitchen scraps and other compostable materials. It’s a straightforward and useful method to give your tree a new purpose post-holidays!
Two Methods to Get Rid of an Artificial Christmas Tree
Artificial Christmas trees, while long-lasting and low-maintenance compared to their real counterparts, pose a unique challenge when it comes to disposal. They’re not suitable for mulching or recycling for environmental benefits. However, when the time comes to part ways with your synthetic tree, rest assured there are other solutions at hand.
Curbside Collection of Your Artificial Christmas Tree
When it’s time to bid farewell to your artificial Christmas tree, you’ll find that many cities accommodate them as curbside bulk items. It doesn’t matter if they’re crafted from plastic or metal. However, it’s crucial to verify any particular rules based on your locale. There might be a specific bulk pickup day to keep in mind, or you may need to dismantle the tree into smaller sections that can comfortably fit into your curbside collection bin.
Is Disposing My Artificial Christmas Tree in a Dumpster Allowed?
Yes, you have the option to discard your artificial Christmas tree in a dumpster. As these trees fall under the category of general household waste, they’re typically allowed in front load dumpsters found in most apartment complexes. Just ensure it’s broken down into smaller segments to fit inside the bin. However, it’s always wise to confirm with your rental office or landlord if your trash collection service accepts oversized items. For bigger homes or buildings, consider renting a roll-off dumpster to take care of your artificial tree disposal needs.
Consider a Designated Drop-off Location for Your Artificial Tree
After the festive season, you have multiple avenues to consider for disposing of your artificial Christmas tree. Places such as local landfills, charitable institutions, governmental facilities, and home improvement stores are among the options you can explore
Recycling or Reusing Your Artificial Christmas Tree
While live trees offer the convenience of being easily recycled and repurposed, artificial ones pose a different challenge. Artificial trees, typically crafted from non-recyclable materials such as PVC, are destined for landfills where they won’t decompose. Plus, the fact that most artificial trees have decorative fibers permanently attached to metal frames makes them non-recyclable. Weighing these factors, it’s evident that opting to recycle or reuse a live tree leans more towards being an environmentally conscious decision.

Can I Recycle My Artificial Christmas Tree?
Unfortunately, artificial Christmas trees are generally not recyclable due to their construction from PVC and other non-recyclable materials. However, there’s a silver lining – some manufacturers and local recycling initiatives may have the means to repurpose them. It would be worth your while to contact them for further details on how you can prevent your tree from ending up in a landfill.
Repurpose Your Old Tree into New Decorations
Unleashing a bit of creativity can help you transform an old artificial tree into multiple decorative pieces. Why not chop, twist, and mold it into an attractive wreath or garland? Perhaps even turn it into a centerpiece for your table or napkin ring holders. Just ensure you’ve taken off the light strings and be careful not to slice through any electrical wires before you begin your makeover. Look up craft projects and ideas online to gather inspiration for breathing new life into your tree.
Donating Your Artificial Christmas Tree: A Thoughtful Gesture
Consider gifting your pre-loved artificial Christmas tree to places like thrift stores, nursing homes, or charitable organizations – they would surely welcome a bit of additional festive spirit. Just ensure you’ve stripped the tree of any tinsel, decorations, or removable lights before you hand it over.
Maintaining a Clean and Green Holiday Season
When the holiday season wraps up and it’s time to part ways with your festive decorations, don’t let the cleanup dampen your spirits. View it as a chance to rejuvenate your home, setting a positive tone for the upcoming year. Think about practical solutions such as curbside pickup, hauling your Christmas tree to a disposal site, or even giving it away or reusing it in a new way. These daily decisions can help you maintain a clean and environmentally-friendly holiday season.

Hi, I’m Eugene B. Conley – the CEO of I was born on December 13, 2000, and I’m a proud Sagittarius. I currently live at 3524 Reeves Street in Green Bay, WI 54301.
Before becoming the CEO of cybermondaychristmastree, I worked as a Meter Reader at The Pink Pig Tavern. While I enjoyed my time there, I had a passion for e-commerce and technology. I decided to pursue my dreams and started my own online venture.
At cybermondaychristmastree, we offer the best deals on Christmas trees during the Black Friday season, from Amazon to Walmart and many more. We help customers find the perfect tree for their homes at the most affordable prices, while also making their holiday shopping experience seamless.
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